Phone sex: terms!


Hmm baby!  I want you to call
but first read our terms!

Dial Toll Free and pay by credit card or check

1-888-625-TSTV (8788)

$ 3.99
per minute

Flat rates also available

  What it takes to phone our shemales!

...  You must be 18 or 21 whichever age applies in the country from which you call!

I know I state the obvious, but you would be surprised. Birthdays are verified at the time of calling!

You must call from your home phone for your very first call!

The first phone call must be made from your home phone. This is so that we can confirm that no one is using your identity to phone us as we check on the caller ID to make sure that the name matches with the name you give usI

You must use your very own credit card or check account!

We have a wide range of payment option for you to choose, but obviously, for your own security, we need to make sure that the person calling us is not someone trying to make a fraudulent phone call!

Click her to see our payment options

Our shemales are sexy, sensual and open-minded babes. They will talk to you about everything, provided it is legal!

Finally, a word to the cheaters!

It doesn't matter how careful and honest you want to be, there are always those who think they can screw all of you honest callers by making fraudulent calls.

We take credit card fraud very seriously! Please do not try it unless you want to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!!

For all of the others, the majority of our callers, we are inviting you to join us on the phone and have some fun!

Try it for yourself! Phone one of shemales now

Dial 1-888-625-TSTV (8788)

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